Sunday, September 15, 2019


This picture was originally just for my mom and Nino (Godfather) when I asked my best friend Erica to take the photo after my first day of work. However, then I realized if I am sharing my most authentic self, this is me. No filter, no makeup. Everyday. Love  who you are naturally and others will too (if they don’t then BYE Felicia). 
Anyway, the focus for this post is Faith. I attached a screen shot of a text from my Nino. I am beyond blessed to have this man in my life, and I understand that not everyone has a “Nino” in their life who inspires them everyday. I choose to share this message because I know others need to hear this too. You are God chosen.
My faith, my connection to God, gives me the strength and hope to move forward in life. Many people may choose not to speak on this topic because it is subjective, but my faith in God is a tremendous part of who I am.
Those of you who do share this in common with me, glad to have you reading! Those who don’t, I’m glad you can learn more about who I am!

I am not here to preach to you nor am I highly educated in the world of Bible study (please don’t spam me with Bible study invites, etc. lol). I have my relationship with God, stronger than ever, and he helps me make miracles happen in my life. Whatever your belief is, I respect it. More people should be considerate and respectful towards others beliefs - to each their own.

Most of the time we’re so focused on the big picture, waiting on the  BIG blessing. The big blessing becomes something expected, admired, romanticized. It becomes so far fetched that some people never even attain it. However, if you get there will you forget about all the small blessings that got you there? 
Take the time to appreciate the smaller blessings right in front of you. Family, a roof over your head, transportation, food on the table. Find something small that you appreciate & remind others of how grateful you are even for the smallest gestures.
Think of someone who has done something small for you this week & remind them of how grateful you are.

I felt the need post this because I know a lot of my fellow Bruins who are finishing up their last summer at UCLA, graduated in June, or are continuing in the fall need to be reminded of patience. Be patient with yourself.
It’s okay to take a break - but know the difference between a break and quitting. Learn how to take smaller steps. Revitalize yourself with whatever it is that fuels your passion. Get involved and make a change, we all have a duty on this earth whether it be something big or small.
Your calling will never stop ringing, listen to it. Everyone is on their own path, do not compare yourself - we hear this all the time but really understand who you are and where you are going, don’t worry about how far along or far back anyone else is from you. That is not your business. If you try to catch up to someone else who is running at a certain pace you may slip and fall. You will fall when you try to run at someone else’s pace because that path is not meant for you. God is trying to tell you to slow down because your pace in this marathon is just fine. You’ll see!

-xoxo, Rey 

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

The Seed

This is where it begins.
After two years of writing and planning I have finally gained the courage to share these stories with the world. My writing, my art, my heart, will be shared with you.
Writing is therapy for me so I am using this platform to inspire. 
I choose to share because I want to expand minds & help others find connection when disconnected.

I want my writing to be accessible to all audiences, not just scholars. Of course, my work may not always be comprehendible to all, but I encourage those who are not familiar with poetry/journalism to challenge themselves in the world of literacy.

Some of my stories may or may not be fiction, but nevertheless, I hope you enjoy them all. 

This is the first seed I am planting for my blog tree. My first post on my blog was a snapshot biography so that my audience can gain perspective. I have grown so much through my life experiences and I have the gift of being able to translate my feelings into words.

I chose this name for my blog because I will expose my most vulnerable roots of my heart, thoughts, and pain through my writing. I am honored to share my roots with you.

All my love,


Sunday, July 7, 2019


Lost my Dad the first time to gangs & drugs. Watched my momma struggle on welfare. Single-mother raising 3 babies on her own. No education, minimum wage income, but she did it. We lived in our car, we lived with family/friends. Food stamps, 4 of us in one bed, cramped studio. An angel opened her arms to me. Lived with her for my last two years of high school – lived apart from my mom and brothers for 2 years. Got accepted into UCLA. First-generation college student, record high 112,000 applicants and 17% acceptance rate in 2015, and I was one of few who were chosen. Two scholarships granted me a full-ride at UCLA. Started with UCLA’s FSP program, did swell. Started my first quarter, sank a bit. Second year I was on academic probation. Suffered from depression, anxiety, homesickness. Changed my major to study my passion for literature rather than being pressured into the STEM field to pursue medicine – you can be a master of many trades, just let your heart guide you. Third year, successfully off probation, life began to mend together. I decided on Physician Assistant (PA) school after 3 years of battling what others wanted for me versus what I wanted for myself and my happiness. I broke many chains away from me. Then, the most tragic event turned my world upside down. I always thought my father was invincible. I lost my Dad to a bullet. I had grown so strong while feeling so weak. I finished my third year that Spring quarter amidst not wanting to wake up each morning because the pain and tears were so unbearable – I sought God and therapy for healing. I never imagined myself planning, directing, and executing a funeral for my Dad. I cannot even remember what happened over the days of the services because I was in such a daze, a blur, a zombie state. This pain is eternal. Our time on earth is precious and limited – live it, love it, cherish your loved ones. I graduated from the #1 public university in the country. Interned for the #7 nationally ranked hospital. Connected with so many amazingly successful people. Discovered a world of wealth and privilege that I will soon develop for my family. Fruitful opportunities – crème of the crop experiences. I am grateful for all the love and support that has kept me motivated – emotionally, physically, mentally, financially. You know who you all are, and I thank God for bringing you into my life! The end to this undergraduate chapter at UCLA does not mean life gets any easier. Challenges will continue, but I will gracefully accept them. My Dad is always here with me, I feel him everywhere. God is always on my side & yours even when it may not seem like it. 
 I am a proud Bruin. Born and raised in Whittier, CA. Thank you UCLA, for transforming me into this woman and preparing me for the bigger plans that are destined for me.