Wednesday, August 7, 2019

The Seed

This is where it begins.
After two years of writing and planning I have finally gained the courage to share these stories with the world. My writing, my art, my heart, will be shared with you.
Writing is therapy for me so I am using this platform to inspire. 
I choose to share because I want to expand minds & help others find connection when disconnected.

I want my writing to be accessible to all audiences, not just scholars. Of course, my work may not always be comprehendible to all, but I encourage those who are not familiar with poetry/journalism to challenge themselves in the world of literacy.

Some of my stories may or may not be fiction, but nevertheless, I hope you enjoy them all. 

This is the first seed I am planting for my blog tree. My first post on my blog was a snapshot biography so that my audience can gain perspective. I have grown so much through my life experiences and I have the gift of being able to translate my feelings into words.

I chose this name for my blog because I will expose my most vulnerable roots of my heart, thoughts, and pain through my writing. I am honored to share my roots with you.

All my love,
